Sunday, April 15, 2012

Another unfortunate ride on Mission Space

It was announced in the news today that a 47 year old woman died after riding Mission Space yesterday. They aren%26#39;t giving out a lot of details, but of course, the ride was closed down and inspected as it was after the last unfortunate ride. To everyone who considers riding this attraction, please take the warning signs seriously. There is nothing in the ride to injure a person of good health, but it is a very intense ride, with a lot of g-forces. If you are in any doubt as to whether it is a good idea for you to ride, you probably shouldn%26#39;t.

Another unfortunate ride on Mission Space

I haven%26#39;t been to epcot for a while... I feel it is one of the only things I cannot comment intelligently about on this forum.

Is mission space a rollercoaster? What kind of ride is it? I know a lot of people ride it so all in all it can%26#39;t be too bad, disney rarely makes rides that a every age group counldn%26#39;t enjoy... so what is up with this particular ride?

Another unfortunate ride on Mission Space

It%26#39;s not a rollercoaster, it%26#39;s more like a spinning top. You know one of those machines that NASA uses by spinning astronauts round faster and faster? Well it%26#39;s like that! You do feel as if someone very large is sitting on your chest. My wife was sick after the ride and she has now renamed it ';mission spew';! If you get motion sickness or if you don%26#39;t like confined spaces, I wouldn%26#39;t do this ride, but definitely take heed of the warnings and abide by them, this is one ride you should take seriously.

I do not suffer from motion sickness at all but I came off this ride and was so ill afterwards and will never ride it again.

No disrepect to anyone intended here, but I tell you, if you don%26#39;t pay attention to the warnings and ride this thing anyway...whatever happens is your own fault.

The first time I went on Mission Space, by the time we were ready to load into the ';capsule'; compartment, I was scared to death about riding it. They warn you time and time and time again, if you have ANY medical conditions or are prone to

ANY motion sickness, you shouldn%26#39;t ride. They emphasis this so very much, it will make you paranoid.

I have been known to get motion sick at times, but since I had not eaten in a while, I decided to chance riding it anyway and did fine. However, I was warned and so is everyone take your own chances.

Does anyone know how long this ride has been in operation. I cannot remember it from 12 years ago. And how high do the ';G'; forces go.

I believe that the ride opened in 2003.

Neilalex, it opened I think 3 or 4 years ago. The above article said something about how much G-forces it had. They put in motion sickness bags not too long ago.

You have to wonder whether this happens again soon, regardless of who rides it, and what warnings they don%26#39;t heed or what medical problems they have, whether they%26#39;ll end up having to close it.

Thank you for posting this fla4fun. This is such sad news that another person has passed riding this attraction. I wonder if Disney will be considering closing Mission Space down permanently. Time will tell.

Having read this post i looked on the web.

There are reports that she had a previous medical condition as did the 4 year old, he suffered from a heart defect.

In all honestly i wouldent let my 4 year old go on a ride like that.

No matter how much he begged me.

I shant go on about the parents of the 4 year as my opinions would not be very entertaining reading.

So lets leave it at that.


was reading this post earlier, i went to to get some info on the ride as my kids had planned to try it out in august, there are some good reviews on it on this site, just thought it might be useful for anyone thinking of trying it.


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