Saturday, April 21, 2012

Which rides are safe for Back?

Hi, I%26#39;m taking my daughter to Universal and IOA. I have a ';bad back'; and want to get an opinion of what rides are too harmful or crazy for a person%26#39;s back. She%26#39;s not tall enough (49-50';) for a few of the really crazy rides (thank goodness!). However, she is tall enough for the Mummy and the others. Any opinions? How are the virtual rides-it seems like that%26#39;s all they have? I have to go on the rides with her, it%26#39;s just us two...

Appreciate any help.

Which rides are safe for Back?

I would avoid the mummy as it twists and turns and could irritate a bad back. Most of the rides have warnings before you go on. I guess only you know what your back can take but I would avoid the fast costers etc. Spiderman would be ok and men in black imo.

Which rides are safe for Back?

The rides to be most careful on are the simulators.

Back to the Future,Body Wars,Star Wars,though maybe not the ultimate in thrills, all have the potential to jarr your back.

Also,Earthquake and Twister (the platform %26#39;collapses%26#39;at the end!)can do the same.

Dinosaur and the Safari at AK are a bit rocky too!

Space Mountain has some fast/sharp turns which you can%26#39;t brace yourself for %26#39;cos it%26#39;s in the dark!

Done The Mummy loads of times though.No Problem.Don%26#39;t miss it!

Whilst it%26#39;s worth taking notice of the warning signs as a guide,most of the time I%26#39;ve found them to be overstated,and have never suffered a problem.

By far,the most potential for a bad back is an uncomfortable seat!

at IOA, the Jurassic park ride would be perfect for both of you - it%26#39;s one of my;d probably be just fine on Popeye %26amp; Bluto%26#39;s raft ride, but you will get wet! ironically, you would also be fine on the Hulk - it%26#39;s the smoothest rollercoaster i%26#39;ve ever been on...don%26#39;t know what the height req. universal, king kong and jaws would be fine too in my opinion.

A ';bad back'; covers a lot of territory. I have one as well which required surgery so heres my list of what ';REALLY'; bothered me, At IOA: Unless your a coaster enthusiast forget the Hulk and the Dueling Dragons, forget the Jurassic Park River Adventure as well (it stops so suddenly at the bottom of the last big drop that it killed my back AND broke my glasses), don%26#39;t do Doctor Dooms Fall. At Universal Studios I had no real problem with anything except that Back to the Future is a bit Jerky, but tolerable (the front seat is actually better). I never have been on the Mummy ride though, so can%26#39;t give an opinion on that. I avoid rides that stop or turn very suddenly as that is what bothers my back, yours of course could be entirely different. And all the rides have some kind of warning sign, so don%26#39;t just go by that or you%26#39;ll do nothing but walk around all day and end up with a stiff back from that!

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