I%26#39;ve looked through all of the post topics (which is no easy task with dial-up...) and I%26#39;m still wondering what the parking is like at the Ford Ampitheatre? We tried to get ';priority parking'; but it was already sold out. Are there independent lots on the surrounding streets and can they be trusted?
Also, I%26#39;ve seen that there isn%26#39;t much to eat right nearby. What are the closest restaurants worth going to?
Thanks so much for your help!
Ford Ampitheatre parking
Parking can be a horrible experience depending on the concert. If its pre-paid parking(inlcuded with ticket) thats a good thing, but if not, be prepared to wait your turn to get into the fairgrounds.
Best Bet would be to pack a cooler and tailgate. Try to get there at least an hour or two before the show. I cant think of any parking outside the Fairgrounds that wouldnt be a long walk.
If you have time, head to Ybor City prior to the show. Many fine restaurants along 7th Ave(Acropolis-Greek, Green Iguana-Burgers, Bernini-Italian, Centro Ybor-Samarai Blue-Sushi, Big City Tavern, Dish-Mongolian BBQ, BarleyHoppers, Tampa Bay Brewing Company) to name a few.
Ford Ampitheatre parking
You could also park early at the Hard Rock Casino and eat /have drinks there. They have a shuttle that takes you to/from Ford Amphitheatre for a fee. (Sorry can%26#39;t remember the cost...maybe $10/roundtrip??)
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