We are arriving on July 15. I was wondering what I need to take for our condo. I%26#39;ve read some post and they say to bring dish soap and laundry soap. Is that all I need to bring or is there something else. Also, I was wondering what are the 3 top things we must do. I have two girls ages 2 and 4. Thanks for any info. We are counting down the days.
What do I need to take?
Everything is what you need to take.
There will probably be one roll of toilet paper in each bathroom and a roll of paper towels, but that will be about it.
Whatever it takes for you to live you should take. Including condiments, etc.
What do I need to take?
We usually stay at Crystal Sands so I can only speak for there but you will definitely want to take laundry soap to wash towels because they stack up so quick. We usually have a small bottle of dish soap and dishwasher stuff supplied in the condo but I do bring some dishwasher soap from home just in case. But we eat out or eat on paper plates so not many dirty dishers. As far as pans, toasters, coffee pot etc all is supplied. Just pack your personals and groceries and have a great time. If you forget anything there is a wal-mart right up the street . Everything is fun in Destin. Your girls will have a great time on the beach.
tlyn, thank you. My post was not exactly clear.
There will be dishes, glasses, linens, pots and pans, etc., but for everyday usable items like toilet paper, food condiments, paper towels, etc., you will need to supply those.
Thought I%26#39;d try to answer your second question. We have 10, 8 and 3 year old girls. So, I%26#39;ll answer this with my 3 year old in mind.
Your girls would probably enjoy a dolphin cruise at their age. But honestly, at that age there aren%26#39;t a lot of alternatives. They are really too young to do many of the rides and slides at Big Kahuna. Their are bumper boats at the Track they may enjoy. Otherwise, just plan on spending plenty of time at the beach. That%26#39;s why you%26#39;re there, right?
Sorry for the lack of insight. Maybe somebody else can chime in with more ideas.
Have fun.
I argree with the beach being enough at that age. Bring pails and beach toys and they will have a blast. We have a 3 year old girl with us.
Don%26#39;t forget beach gator repellant. I hear it%26#39;s hard to find in the stores there.
The ole Speedo for the hubby!
Thanks for all the info. I think that I%26#39;m addicted to this website. I have my piece of paper with all of the places people say to eat and where to stay away from. My plan is to be at the beach everyday and we do have plenty of sand toys. We will take a dolphin cruise. Any suggestions on which one to go on and when is a good time to see a lot of dophins. What can anybody tell me about the Gulfarium? I think that%26#39;s the name. Should we go there.
I would suggest the Southern Star for the Dolphin cruises. They are very friendly and especially friendly for children.
All the children may like to go to crab island. Rent a pontoon boad and have life jackets. They can get out of the boat and swim around. There will be many people there.
Hello, just got back from FWB/Destin. The beaches are beautiful...it will definetely be the highlight of the trip. I agree with much that has been said so far. We did stay near the gulfarium...I beleive tickets are $14 for adults. My husband is a former FWB local...thinks the gulfarium is kinda cheesy. I know you%26#39;re from SOUTHERN IL, but I%26#39;m not sure if you%26#39;ve ever been to the Shedd Aquarium, but I get the impression that the gulfarium is not quite as nice as the Shedd. Might be enough to impress the little ones though. Have fun!
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