Saturday, March 24, 2012

Our First Vacation - Leaving Friday

Hey Everyone! This is our first family vacation. I use to come to Fort Walton alot as a kid, but that was 15 years or more ago. I have a 3 year old, 7, and 11 year old. We are on a TIGHT budget, actually making all of our money by having 4 garage sells. We are staying at Best Western on the beach. Could someone please give me a suggestion for relatively good priced activities and restaurants? My kids are picky eaters (chicken nuggets, hamburgers) but my husband and I like seafood. Is the water clean without jellyfish and seaweed and are there some waves? And one last thing, does anyone know of a not so pricey souvenier shop? If this beach doesn%26#39;t have waves, can someone also recommend one nearby that might? Thanks for everything and God Bless!!!

Our First Vacation - Leaving Friday

There is a Barnhill%26#39;s close by that serves family type meals and seafood also. There are a ton of souvenier shops very close by and

all of them are about the same priced. The Walmart%26#39;s in the area also

have souveniers comparable to what you will find in the souvenier shops. The area you are staying will have a nice beach and the waves come and go. Enjoy your stay and god bless.

Our First Vacation - Leaving Friday

Hi, We were like you and waited to go back 13 years later. After kids got older. The areas grown %26amp; I like it even better. The Okaloosa Island Pier is a good place to go to. I%26#39;m not sure about the prices for the Gulfarium, but the kids would enjoy that. We enjoy going to the Destin harbor walk. Look at all the different boats and see the fish brought in. There are several places to eat, my favorite on the harbor is AJ%26#39;s. On Okaloosa the kids would like Fudpuckers. We went to the High Tide Restaurant this year for the first time and it%26#39;s good and has a variety. I like Wings for souveniers and Wal Mart too. Believe me, there are plenty of waves, I don%26#39;t think you%26#39;ll have to go anywhere else to find them. Watch for rip tides. Hope you have a great trip, sounds like you deserve it.

We just got back from Okaloosa Island the middle of June - loved it! The Gulfarium is VERY expensive - 2 adults and 2 children (4 %26amp; 8 ) cost us over $52.00 and that was with a dollar off coupon for each person. It was ok - nothing great -something to do once, but not twice kind of thing. There%26#39;s the TRAK -go karts, mini golf, etc. -coupons and discounts are all over the place -and it%26#39;s cheapest in the a.m.; after that, they raise the prices/offer different %26#39;deals%26#39; and do not honor the coupons. Walmart had the best/cheapest prices on souvenirs -all the other shops (we hit them all!) offered almost identical merchandise for about the same $$. The waves aren%26#39;t surfing waves, obviously, but, at least the week we were there, the late afternoons offered the %26#39;biggest%26#39; waves, if you can call them that. Personally, sitting on the beach with toys, plenty of water and a good book or two....doesn%26#39;t get much better than that!!!

The Lucky Snapper is just over the Destin Bridge on your immediate right. Lunch is served until 2. You can get a Blue Plate special for under $10. I had the ';catch of the day'; (grouper) with 2 sides and delicious cheese muffins for $7.50. We try to eat a big lunch out since it is cheaper and then snack during the evening. We leave this area on Saturday. On our way out, we are going to try out the Blackwater canoe trip. Enjoy your stay here. We are having a blast!

Forgot to tell you that the Lucky Snapper has a spectacular view. It is open to watch the boats come and go with a great breeze blowing at all times. We ate at several other places...pricey and on grungy picnic tables...this is our favorite so far.

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